Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fire in Our Eyes

We are the wolves of the flame. We burn as brightly as the sun, and we fight fiercely to protect what is ours. We stand our ground, and fight for a better future. We are Flame Pack!

-Pic (no anime please!):

*The ranks are as follows:

-Alpha Female/Male--> The leader of the pack. They decide where to go, when to hunt, and basically everything that needs deciding. The alpha's mate is the alpha female if the alpha is a male, and vice versa. There is only one alpha male and only one alpha female.
-Beta--> Second in command to the alpha male/female. They are usually a close consultant to the alpha, but are NOT their mates. There is only one beta.
-Warrior--> The body of the pack. They hunt and defend the pack.
-Healer--> The healer has the most knowledge of healing herbs and treatments in the pack. They also have a strong connection with Starpack. When a healer dies, the wolf with the most knowledge of herbs takes his/her place. They can mate, but do not often. There are two healers.
-Apprentice--> A young wolf in training.
-Mother--> A female wolf expecting or nursing pups.
-Pups--> The youngest of the pack members, too young to be an apprentice.
-Elders--> These are the oldest pack members. They are cranky and complain a lot, but they tell wonderful stories.


  1. Snow, there is no alpha female until Bronze takes a mate, so I put you in for warrior.

  2. Name: Cloud
    Gender: female
    Rank: Warrior
    Description: a beautiful white wolf with brown eyes
    Personality: smart and brave
    Kin/Mate: Unknown
    Crush: Bronze
    Other: lost her parents in a flood
    Pic: on Wolves of the Mountain as Cloud

  3. Name:Tornado
    Desription:Dark black wolf with blue eyes.
    Personality:Quiet and strong.Doesn't interact with others much but is really fun around those he trusts.
    Kin/Mate:Has none but is willing.You must gain his trust first though.
    Crush:None yet
    Other:Enjoys doing Bronzes orders for some reason.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. No, there is only one beta. It's in the post, can you please read it more carefully? Thank you.

  6. Here's my she-wolf:

    -Name: Dream
    -Rank*: Warrior
    -Gender: She-wolf
    -Personality: Very loud and nosy.She gets into mischief a lot and to a serious type of person is annoying.
    -Description:Rather pretty white and ginger she-wolf with amber eyes.
    -Kin/Mate: None
    -Crush:Bronze or Burn
    -Other:She hates it when other wolves ignore her or are unrightfully mean.
    -Pic (no anime please!):

  7. Name: Claw
    Gender: male
    Rank: appentice
    Description: a black wolf
    Personality: cunning, stubborn, fierce, and greedy
    Pic: On FrostPack as Night
    Other: thinks he's the best wolf around and will doing anything for power
    Crush/Mate: Likes Star

  8. Name: Anri
    Gender: she-wolf
    Rank: Warrior
    Desription: A beautiful silver she-wolf with black eyes.
    Personality: she is sweet, friendly, kind, and outgoing. She likes Tornado.

  9. (I'm making a wolf for RougePack)

    Name: River
    Gender: female
    Rank: pup (but Cross made her an appentice when she could eat fresh kill)
    Description: a pretty white wolf
    Personality: easily scared and shy
    Picture: On Frostpack as Venus

  10. -Name: Storm
    -Rank*: Warrior
    -Gender: Male
    -Personality: Friendly and quiet. Still misses his dead mate and is still dwelling in sadness.
    -Description: White male with gold eyes
    -Kin/Mate: Solar is his son
    -Crush: None
    -Other: None
    -Pic (no anime please!): Storm on NightPack

    (Is it ok if Solar has 1 eye like he does in NightPack? If not its ok)
    -Name: Solar
    -Rank*: Warrior
    -Gender: Male
    -Personality: Nice and caring. Will give his life for the pack. He hopes to someday be leader.
    -Description: Black with blue eyes.
    -Kin/Mate: Storm is his father
    -Crush: None yet
    -Other: He lost his eye due to something that happened when he was just a pup. (Its on his pic in NightPack. Just use that info.)
    -Pic (no anime please!): Solar in NightPack

  11. well before i put on my animal i would like to say there are actuly TWO betas. one female and one male. now here is my wolf:
    name: runningriver
    rank: warrior
    gender: male
    personality: fierce and loyal. ready to die for pack and will kill if must. very hard to earn trust if you do some thing to upset him. other then when is battle though can be friendly.
    description: huge, black, has yellow eyes (my base for all animals i make in pack/clans) and has a long scar across face. agile, strong and cunning
    kin/mate: only one sister and self were spared from being kill from twolegs. sister who did live was taken away as a puppypet.
    crush: has none yet
    other: well beside the scar across his face nothing
    picture: (i could not find one with the scar)
