Saturday, October 9, 2010

More New Joiners & Bad News

"I have good and bad news," Bronze's blue eyes gleamed in the moonlight. "We are growing. Welcome Tornado, our beta, and Dream, a warrior. We also now have a healer, Sage. Sage comes to us from a rouge pack. She tells me that the leader of this pack, Cross, is planning an attack on us. We must prepare! Mentors, bump your training up a notch. I want our apprentices battle-ready."
Snow and Cloud nodded.
"Silver, teach your pups about defending themselves. I don't want them getting hurt or killed. Sage, stock up on herbs*. Finally, we need to be on the lookout for any rouges that might be hanging around. That is all."
The pack dispersed, greeting the new wolves and whispering about the rouge pack.

NOT RELATED: *Right there, I almost wrote ammo instead of herbs. I think I'm a little too trigger happy for my own good ;)


  1. Sage looked around at her new packmates. So this is my new family, she thought. Well, it's a lot better than my old one. She shuddered, remembering the rouge pack she had been born into.


  2. Cloud glanced a hostile glare at Sage.

  3. Claw growled, "Why can't just all female wolves be healers and let the male wolves be hunters, fighters, and leaders"

  4. Cloud snapped at Claw, "Femake wolves and be as useful as male wolves".

    Claw bit Cloud's shoulder.

    Cloud hissed, "Carabiu-dung", and she nipped really hard at Claw's ear.
