Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Wolves and Apprentices

"Wolves of Flamepack!", Bronze howled. "We have two new members joining us today! Please welcome Snow and Cloud, two warriors." The two she-wolves sitting beside Bronze inclined their heads slightly.
"Also," Bronze continued, "We have two new apprentices, Star and Zyllo. Star's mentor will be Cloud, and Zyllo will be mentored by Snow. That is all. Meeting dismissed!"


  1. Cloud touched noses with Star.

  2. Zyllo touched noses with his mentor. He wriggled all over with excitement. He was becoming an apprentice!


    Arrow watched Zyllo with envious eyes. Someday that'll be me, he thought. Someday I'll have my ceremony too!


  3. "Yeah!" he said excitedly. "When do we start?"

