Saturday, October 9, 2010

More New Joiners & Bad News

"I have good and bad news," Bronze's blue eyes gleamed in the moonlight. "We are growing. Welcome Tornado, our beta, and Dream, a warrior. We also now have a healer, Sage. Sage comes to us from a rouge pack. She tells me that the leader of this pack, Cross, is planning an attack on us. We must prepare! Mentors, bump your training up a notch. I want our apprentices battle-ready."
Snow and Cloud nodded.
"Silver, teach your pups about defending themselves. I don't want them getting hurt or killed. Sage, stock up on herbs*. Finally, we need to be on the lookout for any rouges that might be hanging around. That is all."
The pack dispersed, greeting the new wolves and whispering about the rouge pack.

NOT RELATED: *Right there, I almost wrote ammo instead of herbs. I think I'm a little too trigger happy for my own good ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Wolves and Apprentices

"Wolves of Flamepack!", Bronze howled. "We have two new members joining us today! Please welcome Snow and Cloud, two warriors." The two she-wolves sitting beside Bronze inclined their heads slightly.
"Also," Bronze continued, "We have two new apprentices, Star and Zyllo. Star's mentor will be Cloud, and Zyllo will be mentored by Snow. That is all. Meeting dismissed!"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flamepack Language


-Caribou-brain=stupid, not smart
-Fox dung=an expression of annoyance
-Starpack-sent=wonderful, sent from the ancestors

-Puppypet=domesticated dog
-Kittypet=domesticated cat
-Loner=dog/cat that lives on it's own or in a small group

Fire in Our Eyes

We are the wolves of the flame. We burn as brightly as the sun, and we fight fiercely to protect what is ours. We stand our ground, and fight for a better future. We are Flame Pack!

-Pic (no anime please!):

*The ranks are as follows:

-Alpha Female/Male--> The leader of the pack. They decide where to go, when to hunt, and basically everything that needs deciding. The alpha's mate is the alpha female if the alpha is a male, and vice versa. There is only one alpha male and only one alpha female.
-Beta--> Second in command to the alpha male/female. They are usually a close consultant to the alpha, but are NOT their mates. There is only one beta.
-Warrior--> The body of the pack. They hunt and defend the pack.
-Healer--> The healer has the most knowledge of healing herbs and treatments in the pack. They also have a strong connection with Starpack. When a healer dies, the wolf with the most knowledge of herbs takes his/her place. They can mate, but do not often. There are two healers.
-Apprentice--> A young wolf in training.
-Mother--> A female wolf expecting or nursing pups.
-Pups--> The youngest of the pack members, too young to be an apprentice.
-Elders--> These are the oldest pack members. They are cranky and complain a lot, but they tell wonderful stories.